/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 Alibaba Group * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'container/boost_container.dart'; import 'container/container_manager.dart'; import 'channel/boost_channel.dart'; import 'container/container_coordinator.dart'; import 'observers_holders.dart'; export 'container/boost_container.dart'; export 'container/container_manager.dart'; typedef Widget PageBuilder(String pageName, Map params, String uniqueId); typedef Route PrePushRoute( String url, String uniqueId, Map params, Route route); typedef void PostPushRoute( String url, String uniqueId, Map params, Route route, Future result); class FlutterBoost { static final FlutterBoost _instance = FlutterBoost(); final GlobalKey<ContainerManagerState> containerManagerKey = GlobalKey<ContainerManagerState>(); final ObserversHolder _observersHolder = ObserversHolder(); final BoostChannel _boostChannel = BoostChannel(); static FlutterBoost get singleton => _instance; static ContainerManagerState get containerManager => _instance.containerManagerKey.currentState; static TransitionBuilder init( {TransitionBuilder builder, PrePushRoute prePush, PostPushRoute postPush}) { return (BuildContext context, Widget child) { assert(child is Navigator, 'child must be Navigator, what is wrong?'); final BoostContainerManager manager = BoostContainerManager( key: _instance.containerManagerKey, initNavigator: child, prePushRoute: prePush, postPushRoute: postPush); if (builder != null) { return builder(context, manager); } else { return manager; } }; } ObserversHolder get observersHolder => _observersHolder; BoostChannel get channel => _boostChannel; FlutterBoost(){ ContainerCoordinator(_boostChannel); } ///Register a default page builder. void registerDefaultPageBuilder(PageBuilder builder) { ContainerCoordinator.singleton.registerDefaultPageBuilder(builder); } ///Register a map builders void registerPageBuilders(Map<String, PageBuilder> builders) { ContainerCoordinator.singleton.registerPageBuilders(builders); } Future<Map<String,dynamic>> open(String url,{Map<String,dynamic> urlParams,Map<String,dynamic> exts}){ Map<String, dynamic> properties = new Map<String, dynamic>(); properties["url"] = url; properties["urlParams"] = urlParams; properties["exts"] = exts; print("[JDEBUGX]------boost2.openPage channel call--------"); return channel.invokeMethod<Map<String,dynamic>>( 'openPage', properties); } Future<bool> close(String id,{Map<String,dynamic> result,Map<String,dynamic> exts}){ assert(id != null); BoostContainerSettings settings = containerManager?.onstageSettings; Map<String, dynamic> properties = new Map<String, dynamic>(); if(exts == null){ exts = Map<String,dynamic>(); } exts["params"] = settings.params; if(!exts.containsKey("animated")){ exts["animated"] = true; } properties["uniqueId"] = id; if (result != null) { properties["result"] = result; } if (exts != null) { properties["exts"] = exts; } return channel.invokeMethod<bool>('closePage', properties); } Future<bool> closeCurrent({Map<String,dynamic> result,Map<String,dynamic> exts}) { BoostContainerSettings settings = containerManager?.onstageSettings; if(exts == null){ exts = Map<String,dynamic>(); } exts["params"] = settings.params; if(!exts.containsKey("animated")){ exts["animated"] = true; } return close(settings.uniqueId,result: result,exts: exts); } Future<bool> closeByContext(BuildContext context,{Map<String,dynamic> result,Map<String,dynamic> exts}) { BoostContainerSettings settings = containerManager?.onstageSettings; if(exts == null){ exts = Map<String,dynamic>(); } exts["params"] = settings.params; if(!exts.containsKey("animated")){ exts["animated"] = true; } return close(settings.uniqueId,result: result,exts: exts); } ///register for Container changed callbacks VoidCallback addContainerObserver(BoostContainerObserver observer) => _observersHolder.addObserver<BoostContainerObserver>(observer); ///register for Container lifecycle callbacks VoidCallback addBoostContainerLifeCycleObserver( BoostContainerLifeCycleObserver observer) => _observersHolder.addObserver<BoostContainerLifeCycleObserver>(observer); ///register callbacks for Navigators push & pop VoidCallback addBoostNavigatorObserver(BoostNavigatorObserver observer) => _observersHolder.addObserver<BoostNavigatorObserver>(observer); }