Tries to convert a JSON string to a NSDictionary. NSDictionary can be easier to work with, and supports string bracket referencing. E.g. personDictionary["name"].
- parameter jsonString: JSON string to be converted to a NSDictionary.
- throws: Throws error of type JSONSerializerError. Either JsonIsNotValid or JsonIsNotDictionary. JsonIsNotDictionary will typically be thrown if you try to parse an array of JSON objects.
- returns: A NSDictionary representation of the JSON string.
Tries to convert a JSON string to a NSArray. NSArrays can be iterated and each item in the array can be converted to a NSDictionary.
- parameter jsonString: The JSON string to be converted to an NSArray
- throws: Throws error of type JSONSerializerError. Either JsonIsNotValid or JsonIsNotArray. JsonIsNotArray will typically be thrown if you try to parse a single JSON object.
- returns: NSArray representation of the JSON objects.
///The JavaScript function that can be used to call the handler is `window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler(handlerName <String>, ...args);`, where `args` are [rest parameters](
///The `args` will be stringified automatically using `JSON.stringify(args)` method and then they will be decoded on the Dart side.
///Also, a [JavaScriptHandlerCallback] can return json data to the JavaScript side.
///In this case, simply return data that you want to send and it will be automatically json encoded using [jsonEncode] from the `dart:convert` library.
@@ -1145,6 +1162,9 @@ class InAppWebViewController {
///The JavaScript function that can be used to call the handler is `window.flutter_inappbrowser.callHandler(handlerName <String>, ...args);`, where `args` are [rest parameters](
///The `args` will be stringified automatically using `JSON.stringify(args)` method and then they will be decoded on the Dart side.
///Also, a [JavaScriptHandlerCallback] can return json data to the JavaScript side.
///In this case, simply return data that you want to send and it will be automatically json encoded using [jsonEncode] from the `dart:convert` library.