Opens an `url` in a new `InAppBrowser` instance or the system browser.
@@ -165,17 +167,13 @@ Opens an `url` in a new `InAppBrowser` instance or the system browser.
-`headers`: The additional headers to be used in the HTTP request for this URL, specified as a map from name to value.
-`target`: The target in which to load the `url`, an optional parameter that defaults to `_self`.
-`_self`: Opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
-`_blank`: Opens in the `InAppBrowser`.
-`_system`: Opens in the system's web browser.
-`options`: Options for the `InAppBrowser`.
All platforms support:
- __useShouldOverrideUrlLoading__: Set to `true` to be able to listen at the `shouldOverrideUrlLoading` event. The default value is `false`.
- __useOnLoadResource__: Set to `true` to be able to listen at the `onLoadResource()` event. The default value is `false`.
- __openWithSystemBrowser__: Set to `true` to open the given `url` with the system browser. The default value is `false`.
- __isLocalFile__: Set to `true` if the `url` is pointing to a local file (the file must be addded in the `assets` section of your `pubspec.yaml`. See `loadFile()` explanation). The default value is `false`.
- __clearCache__: Set to `true` to have all the browser's cache cleared before the new window is opened. The default value is `false`.
- __userAgent___: Set the custom WebView's user-agent.
- __javaScriptEnabled__: Set to `true` to enable JavaScript. The default value is `true`.
This is a static method that opens an `url` in the system browser.
This has the same behaviour of an `InAppBrowser` instance calling the `open()` method with option `openWithSystemBrowser: true`.
#### Future\<void\> InAppBrowser.openOnLocalhost
Serve the `assetFilePath` from Flutter assets on http://localhost:`port`/. It is similar to `` with option `isLocalFile: true`, but it starts a server.
**NOTE for iOS**: For the iOS Platform, you need to add the `NSAllowsLocalNetworking` key with `true` in the `Info.plist` file (See [ATS Configuration Basics](
The `NSAllowsLocalNetworking` key is available since **iOS 10**.
Loads the given `assetFilePath` with optional `headers` specified as a map from name to value.
To be able to load your local files (assets, js, css, etc.), you need to add them in the `assets` section of the `pubspec.yaml` file, otherwise they cannot be found!
Example of a `pubspec.yaml` file:
# The following section is specific to Flutter.
# The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
# included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
Injects JavaScript code into the `InAppBrowser` window and returns the result of the evaluation. (Only available when the target is set to `_blank` or to `_self`)
Injects JavaScript code into the `InAppBrowser` window and returns the result of the evaluation.
///Opens an [url] in a new [InAppBrowser] instance or the system browser.
///Opens an [url] in a new [InAppBrowser] instance or in the system browser (`openWithSystemBrowser: true`).
///**NOTE**: If you open the given [url] with the system browser (`openWithSystemBrowser: true`), you wont be able to use the [InAppBrowser] methods!
///- [url]: The [url] to load. Call [encodeUriComponent()] on this if the [url] contains Unicode characters. The default value is `about:blank`.
///- [headers]: The additional headers to be used in the HTTP request for this URL, specified as a map from name to value.
///- [target]: The target in which to load the [url], an optional parameter that defaults to `_self`.
/// - `_self`: Opens in the [InAppBrowser].
/// - `_blank`: Opens in the [InAppBrowser].
/// - `_system`: Opens in the system's web browser.
///- [options]: Options for the [InAppBrowser].
/// All platforms support:
/// - All platforms support:
/// - __useShouldOverrideUrlLoading__: Set to `true` to be able to listen at the [shouldOverrideUrlLoading()] event. The default value is `false`.
/// - __useOnLoadResource__: Set to `true` to be able to listen at the [onLoadResource()] event. The default value is `false`.
/// - __openWithSystemBrowser__: Set to `true` to open the given `url` with the system browser. The default value is `false`.
/// - __isLocalFile__: Set to `true` if the [url] is pointing to a local file (the file must be addded in the `assets` section of your `pubspec.yaml`. See [loadFile()] explanation). The default value is `false`.
/// - __clearCache__: Set to `true` to have all the browser's cache cleared before the new window is opened. The default value is `false`.
/// - __userAgent___: Set the custom WebView's user-agent.
/// - __javaScriptEnabled__: Set to `true` to enable JavaScript. The default value is `true`.
@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@ class InAppBrowser {
/// - __hideUrlBar__: Set to `true` to hide the url bar on the toolbar at the top. The default value is `false`.
/// - __mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture__: Set to `true` to prevent HTML5 audio or video from autoplaying. The default value is `true`.
/// **Android** supports these additional options:
/// - **Android** supports these additional options:
/// - __hideTitleBar__: Set to `true` if you want the title should be displayed. The default value is `false`.
/// - __closeOnCannotGoBack__: Set to `false` to not close the InAppBrowser when the user click on the back button and the WebView cannot go back to the history. The default value is `true`.
@@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ class InAppBrowser {
/// - __safeBrowsingEnabled__: Set to `true` if you want the Safe Browsing is enabled. Safe Browsing allows WebView to protect against malware and phishing attacks by verifying the links. The default value is `true`.
/// - __progressBar__: Set to `false` to hide the progress bar at the bottom of the toolbar at the top. The default value is `true`.
/// **iOS** supports these additional options:
/// - **iOS** supports these additional options:
/// - __disallowOverScroll__: Set to `true` to disable the bouncing of the WebView when the scrolling has reached an edge of the content. The default value is `false`.
/// - __toolbarBottom__: Set to `false` to hide the toolbar at the bottom of the WebView. The default value is `true`.
@@ -246,70 +251,209 @@ class InAppBrowser {
/// - __allowsInlineMediaPlayback__: Set to `true` to allow HTML5 media playback to appear inline within the screen layout, using browser-supplied controls rather than native controls. For this to work, add the `webkit-playsinline` attribute to any `<video>` elements. The default value is `false`.
/// - __allowsPictureInPictureMediaPlayback__: Set to `true` to allow HTML5 videos play picture-in-picture. The default value is `true`.
/// - __spinner__: Set to `false` to hide the spinner when the WebView is loading a page. The default value is `true`.
print('Server running at$port closed');
///Serve the [assetFilePath] from Flutter assets on http://localhost:[port]/. It is similar to [] with option `isLocalFile: true`, but it starts a server.
///**NOTE for iOS**: For the iOS Platform, you need to add the `NSAllowsLocalNetworking` key with `true` in the `Info.plist` file (See [ATS Configuration Basics](
/// <key>NSAllowsLocalNetworking</key>
/// <true/>
///The `NSAllowsLocalNetworking` key is available since **iOS 10**.
///Loads the given [assetFilePath] with optional [headers] specified as a map from name to value.
///To be able to load your local files (assets, js, css, etc.), you need to add them in the `assets` section of the `pubspec.yaml` file, otherwise they cannot be found!
///Example of a `pubspec.yaml` file:
///# The following section is specific to Flutter.
/// # The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
/// # included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
///Injects JavaScript code into the [InAppBrowser] window and returns the result of the evaluation. (Only available when the target is set to `_blank` or to `_self`)
///Injects JavaScript code into the [InAppBrowser] window and returns the result of the evaluation.
///Adds/Appends a JavaScript message handler [callback] ([JavaScriptHandlerCallback]) that listen to post messages sent from JavaScript by the handler with name [handlerName].
@@ -419,7 +569,7 @@ class InAppBrowser {
///**NOTE**: In order to be able to listen this event, you need to set `useOnLoadResource` option to `true`.
///**NOTE only for iOS**: In some cases, the [] of a [response] with `text/html` encoding could be empty.
///**NOTE only for iOS**: In some cases, the [] of a [response] with `text/assets` encoding could be empty.
///Opens an [url] in a new [ChromeSafariBrowser] instance or the system browser.
@@ -491,16 +661,17 @@ class ChromeSafariBrowser {
///- __presentationStyle__: Set the custom modal presentation style when presenting the WebView. The default value is `0 //fullscreen`. See [UIModalPresentationStyle]( for all the available styles.
///- __transitionStyle__: Set to the custom transition style when presenting the WebView. The default value is `0 //crossDissolve`. See [UIModalTransitionStyle]( for all the available styles.