Commit b4544c7d authored by Lorenzo Pichilli's avatar Lorenzo Pichilli

updated shouldInterceptFetchRequest

parent e4d8b798
......@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
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......@@ -85,16 +85,24 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
" }" +
static final String platformReadyJS = "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady'));";
static final String variableForOnLoadResourceJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useOnLoadResource";
static final String enableVariableForOnLoadResourceJS = variableForOnLoadResourceJS + " = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;";
static final String resourceObserverJS = "(function() {" +
" var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(list) {" +
" list.getEntries().forEach(function(entry) {" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onLoadResource', entry);" +
" if (window." + variableForOnLoadResourceJS + " == null || window." + variableForOnLoadResourceJS + " == true) {" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onLoadResource', entry);" +
" }" +
" });" +
" });" +
" observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']});" +
static final String platformReadyJS = "window.dispatchEvent(new Event('flutterInAppBrowserPlatformReady'));";
static final String variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest";
static final String enableVariableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS = variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;";
static final String interceptAjaxRequestsJS = "(function(ajax) {" +
" var send = ajax.prototype.send;" +
......@@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
" ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_user = null;" +
" ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_password = null;" +
" ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_password = null;" +
" ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped = false;" +
" ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers = {};" +
" = function(method, url, isAsync, user, password) {" +
" isAsync = (isAsync != null) ? isAsync : true;" +
......@@ -122,52 +131,7 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
" };" +
" function handleEvent(e) {" +
" var self = this;" +
" var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();" +
" var responseHeaders = {};" +
" if (headers != null) {" +
" var arr = headers.trim().split(/[\\r\\n]+/);" +
" arr.forEach(function (line) {" +
" var parts = line.split(': ');" +
" var header = parts.shift();" +
" var value = parts.join(': ');" +
" responseHeaders[header] = value;" +
" });" +
" }" +
" var ajaxRequest = {" +
" method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method," +
" url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url," +
" isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync," +
" user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user," +
" password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password," +
" withCredentials: this.withCredentials," +
" headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers," +
" readyState: this.readyState," +
" status: this.status," +
" responseURL: this.responseURL," +
" responseType: this.responseType," +
" responseText: this.responseText," +
" statusText: this.statusText," +
" responseHeaders, responseHeaders," +
" event: {" +
" type: e.type," +
" loaded: e.loaded," +
" lengthComputable: e.lengthComputable" +
" }" +
" };" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onAjaxProgress', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result) {" +
" case 0:" +
" self.abort();" +
" return;" +
" };" +
" }" +
" });" +
" };" +
" ajax.prototype.send = function(data) {" +
" var self = this;" +
" var onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;" +
" this.onreadystatechange = function() {" +
" if (window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == null || window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == true) {" +
" var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();" +
" var responseHeaders = {};" +
" if (headers != null) {" +
......@@ -193,9 +157,14 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
" responseType: this.responseType," +
" responseText: this.responseText," +
" statusText: this.statusText," +
" responseHeaders: responseHeaders" +
" responseHeaders, responseHeaders," +
" event: {" +
" type: e.type," +
" loaded: e.loaded," +
" lengthComputable: e.lengthComputable" +
" }" +
" };" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onAjaxReadyStateChange', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onAjaxProgress', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result) {" +
" case 0:" +
......@@ -203,117 +172,262 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
" return;" +
" };" +
" }" +
" if (onreadystatechange != null) {" +
" onreadystatechange();" +
" }" +
" });" +
" };" +
" this.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('load', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('error', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent);" +
" var ajaxRequest = {" +
" data: data," +
" method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method," +
" url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url," +
" isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync," +
" user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user," +
" password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password," +
" withCredentials: this.withCredentials," +
" headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers" +
" };" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('shouldInterceptAjaxRequest', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result.action) {" +
" case 0:" +
" }" +
" };" +
" ajax.prototype.send = function(data) {" +
" var self = this;" +
" if (window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == null || window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == true) {" +
" if (!this._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped) {" +
" this._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped = true;" +
" var onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;" +
" this.onreadystatechange = function() {" +
" if (window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == null || window." + variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS + " == true) {" +
" var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();" +
" var responseHeaders = {};" +
" if (headers != null) {" +
" var arr = headers.trim().split(/[\\r\\n]+/);" +
" arr.forEach(function (line) {" +
" var parts = line.split(': ');" +
" var header = parts.shift();" +
" var value = parts.join(': ');" +
" responseHeaders[header] = value;" +
" });" +
" }" +
" var ajaxRequest = {" +
" method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method," +
" url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url," +
" isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync," +
" user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user," +
" password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password," +
" withCredentials: this.withCredentials," +
" headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers," +
" readyState: this.readyState," +
" status: this.status," +
" responseURL: this.responseURL," +
" responseType: this.responseType," +
" responseText: this.responseText," +
" statusText: this.statusText," +
" responseHeaders: responseHeaders" +
" };" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('onAjaxReadyStateChange', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result) {" +
" case 0:" +
" self.abort();" +
" return;" +
" };" +
" }" +
" if (onreadystatechange != null) {" +
" onreadystatechange();" +
" }" +
" });" +
" } else if (onreadystatechange != null) {" +
" onreadystatechange();" +
" }" +
" };" +
" }" +
" this.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('load', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('error', handleEvent);" +
" this.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent);" +
" var ajaxRequest = {" +
" data: data," +
" method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method," +
" url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url," +
" isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync," +
" user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user," +
" password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password," +
" withCredentials: this.withCredentials," +
" headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers" +
" };" +
" window." + + ".callHandler('shouldInterceptAjaxRequest', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result.action) {" +
" case 0:" +
" self.abort();" +
" return;" +
" };" +
" data =;" +
" self.withCredentials = result.withCredentials;" +
" for (var header in result.headers) {" +
" var value = result.headers[header];" +
" self.setRequestHeader(header, value);" +
" };" +
" if ((self._flutter_inappbrowser_method != result.method && result.method != null) || (self._flutter_inappbrowser_url != result.url && result.url != null)) {" +
" self.abort();" +
", result.url, result.isAsync, result.user, result.password);" +
" return;" +
" };" +
" data =;" +
" self.withCredentials = result.withCredentials;" +
" for (var header in result.headers) {" +
" var value = result.headers[header];" +
" self.setRequestHeader(header, value);" +
" };" +
" if ((self._flutter_inappbrowser_method != result.method && result.method != null) || (self._flutter_inappbrowser_url != result.url && result.url != null)) {" +
" self.abort();" +
", result.url, result.isAsync, result.user, result.password);" +
" return;" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
", data);" +
" });" +
", data);" +
" });" +
" } else {" +
", data);" +
" }" +
" };" +
static final String variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useShouldInterceptFetchRequest";
static final String enableVariableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS = variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS + " = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;";
static final String interceptFetchRequestsJS = "(function(fetch) {" +
" if (fetch == null) {" +
" return;" +
" }" +
" window.fetch = function(resource, init) {" +
" var fetchRequest = {" +
" url: null," +
" method: null," +
" headers: null," +
" body: null," +
" mode: null," +
" credentials: null," +
" cache: null," +
" redirect: null," +
" referrer: null," +
" referrerPolicy: null," +
" integrity: null," +
" keepalive: null" +
" };" +
" if (resource instanceof Request) {" +
" fetchRequest.url = resource.url;" +
" fetchRequest.method = resource.method;" +
" fetchRequest.headers = resource.headers;" +
" fetchRequest.body = resource.body;" +
" fetchRequest.mode = resource.mode;" +
" fetchRequest.credentials = resource.credentials;" +
" fetchRequest.cache = resource.cache;" +
" fetchRequest.redirect = resource.redirect;" +
" fetchRequest.referrer = resource.referrer;" +
" fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = resource.referrerPolicy;" +
" fetchRequest.integrity = resource.integrity;" +
" fetchRequest.keepalive = resource.keepalive;" +
" function convertHeadersToJson(headers) {" +
" var headersObj = {};" +
" for (var header of headers.keys()) {" +
" var value = headers.get(header);" +
" headersObj[header] = value;" +
" }" +
" return headersObj;" +
" }" +
" function convertJsonToHeaders(headersJson) {" +
" return new Headers(headersJson);" +
" }" +
" function convertBodyToArray(body) {" +
" return new Response(body).arrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {" +
" var arr = Array.from(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));" +
" return arr;" +
" })" +
" }" +
" function convertArrayIntBodyToUint8Array(arrayIntBody) {" +
" return new Uint8Array(arrayIntBody);" +
" }" +
" function convertCredentialsToJson(credentials) {" +
" var credentialsObj = {};" +
" if (window.FederatedCredential != null && credentials instanceof FederatedCredential) {" +
" credentialsObj.type = credentials.type;" +
" =;" +
" =;" +
" credentialsObj.protocol = credentials.protocol;" +
" credentialsObj.provider = credentials.provider;" +
" credentialsObj.iconURL = credentials.iconURL;" +
" } else if (window.PasswordCredential != null && credentials instanceof PasswordCredential) {" +
" credentialsObj.type = credentials.type;" +
" =;" +
" =;" +
" credentialsObj.password = credentials.password;" +
" credentialsObj.iconURL = credentials.iconURL;" +
" } else {" +
" fetchRequest.url = resource;" +
" if (init != null) {" +
" fetchRequest.method = init.method;" +
" fetchRequest.headers = init.headers;" +
" fetchRequest.body = init.body;" +
" fetchRequest.mode = init.mode;" +
" fetchRequest.credentials = init.credentials;" +
" fetchRequest.cache = init.cache;" +
" fetchRequest.redirect = init.redirect;" +
" fetchRequest.referrer = init.referrer;" +
" fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = init.referrerPolicy;" +
" fetchRequest.integrity = init.integrity;" +
" fetchRequest.keepalive = init.keepalive;" +
" }" +
" credentialsObj.type = 'default';" +
" credentialsObj.value = credentials;" +
" }" +
" return window." + + ".callHandler('shouldInterceptFetchRequest', fetchRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result.action) {" +
" case 0:" +
" var controller = new AbortController();" +
" if (init != null) {" +
" init.signal = controller.signal;" +
" } else {" +
" init = {" +
" signal: controller.signal" +
" };" +
" }" +
" controller.abort();" +
" break;" +
" }" +
" function convertJsonToCredential(credentialsJson) {" +
" var credentials;" +
" if (window.FederatedCredential != null && credentialsJson.type === 'federated') {" +
" credentials = new FederatedCredential({" +
" id:," +
" name:," +
" protocol: credentialsJson.protocol," +
" provider: credentialsJson.provider," +
" iconURL: credentialsJson.iconURL" +
" });" +
" } else if (window.PasswordCredential != null && credentialsJson.type === 'password') {" +
" credentials = new PasswordCredential({" +
" id:," +
" name:," +
" password: credentialsJson.password," +
" iconURL: credentialsJson.iconURL" +
" });" +
" } else {" +
" credentials = credentialsJson;" +
" }" +
" return credentials;" +
" }" +
" window.fetch = async function(resource, init) {" +
" if (window." + variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS + " == null || window." + variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS + " == true) {" +
" var fetchRequest = {" +
" url: null," +
" method: null," +
" headers: null," +
" body: null," +
" mode: null," +
" credentials: null," +
" cache: null," +
" redirect: null," +
" referrer: null," +
" referrerPolicy: null," +
" integrity: null," +
" keepalive: null" +
" };" +
" if (resource instanceof Request) {" +
" fetchRequest.url = resource.url;" +
" fetchRequest.method = resource.method;" +
" fetchRequest.headers = resource.headers;" +
" fetchRequest.body = resource.body;" +
" fetchRequest.mode = resource.mode;" +
" fetchRequest.credentials = resource.credentials;" +
" fetchRequest.cache = resource.cache;" +
" fetchRequest.redirect = resource.redirect;" +
" fetchRequest.referrer = resource.referrer;" +
" fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = resource.referrerPolicy;" +
" fetchRequest.integrity = resource.integrity;" +
" fetchRequest.keepalive = resource.keepalive;" +
" } else {" +
" fetchRequest.url = resource;" +
" if (init != null) {" +
" fetchRequest.method = init.method;" +
" fetchRequest.headers = init.headers;" +
" fetchRequest.body = init.body;" +
" fetchRequest.mode = init.mode;" +
" fetchRequest.credentials = init.credentials;" +
" fetchRequest.cache = init.cache;" +
" fetchRequest.redirect = init.redirect;" +
" fetchRequest.referrer = init.referrer;" +
" fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = init.referrerPolicy;" +
" fetchRequest.integrity = init.integrity;" +
" fetchRequest.keepalive = init.keepalive;" +
" }" +
" }" +
" if (fetchRequest.headers instanceof Headers) {" +
" fetchRequest.headers = convertHeadersToJson(fetchRequest.headers);" +
" }" +
" fetchRequest.credentials = convertCredentialsToJson(fetchRequest.credentials);" +
" return convertBodyToArray(fetchRequest.body).then(function(body) {" +
" fetchRequest.body = body;" +
" return window." + + ".callHandler('shouldInterceptFetchRequest', fetchRequest).then(function(result) {" +
" if (result != null) {" +
" switch (result.action) {" +
" case 0:" +
" var controller = new AbortController();" +
" if (init != null) {" +
" init.signal = controller.signal;" +
" } else {" +
" init = {" +
" signal: controller.signal" +
" };" +
" }" +
" controller.abort();" +
" break;" +
" }" +
" var resultResource = (result.resource != null) ? result.resource : resource;" +
" var resultInit = init;" +
" if (result.init != null) {" +
" resultInit.method = result.method;" +
" resultInit.headers = convertJsonToHeaders(result.headers);" +
" resultInit.body = convertArrayIntBodyToUint8Array(result.body);" +
" resultInit.mode = result.mode;" +
" resultInit.credentials = convertJsonToCredential(result.credentials);" +
" resultInit.cache = result.cache;" +
" resultInit.redirect = result.redirect;" +
" resultInit.referrer = result.referrer;" +
" resultInit.referrerPolicy = result.referrerPolicy;" +
" resultInit.integrity = result.integrity;" +
" resultInit.keepalive = result.keepalive;" +
" }" +
" return fetch(resultResource, resultInit);" +
" }" +
" return fetch(resource, init);" +
" });" +
" });" +
" } else {" +
" return fetch(resource, init);" +
" });" +
" }" +
" };" +
......@@ -612,6 +726,36 @@ final public class InAppWebView extends InputAwareWebView {
if (newOptionsMap.get("debuggingEnabled") != null && options.debuggingEnabled != newOptions.debuggingEnabled && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
if (newOptionsMap.get("useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest") != null && options.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest != newOptions.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest) {
String placeholderValue = newOptions.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest ? "true" : "false";
String sourceJs = InAppWebView.enableVariableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS.replace("$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", placeholderValue);
evaluateJavascript(sourceJs, (ValueCallback<String>) null);
} else {
loadUrl("javascript:" + sourceJs);
if (newOptionsMap.get("useShouldInterceptFetchRequest") != null && options.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest != newOptions.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest) {
String placeholderValue = newOptions.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest ? "true" : "false";
String sourceJs = InAppWebView.enableVariableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS.replace("$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", placeholderValue);
evaluateJavascript(sourceJs, (ValueCallback<String>) null);
} else {
loadUrl("javascript:" + sourceJs);
if (newOptionsMap.get("useOnLoadResource") != null && options.useOnLoadResource != newOptions.useOnLoadResource) {
String placeholderValue = newOptions.useOnLoadResource ? "true" : "false";
String sourceJs = InAppWebView.enableVariableForOnLoadResourceJS.replace("$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", placeholderValue);
evaluateJavascript(sourceJs, (ValueCallback<String>) null);
} else {
loadUrl("javascript:" + sourceJs);
if (newOptionsMap.get("javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically") != null && options.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically != newOptions.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically)
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager;
import android.webkit.HttpAuthHandler;
import android.webkit.SafeBrowsingResponse;
import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;
import android.webkit.ValueCallback;
import android.webkit.WebResourceRequest;
import android.webkit.WebResourceResponse;
import android.webkit.WebView;
......@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ public class InAppWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
webView.evaluateJavascript(InAppWebView.platformReadyJS, (MethodChannel.Result) null);
webView.evaluateJavascript(InAppWebView.platformReadyJS, (ValueCallback<String>) null);
} else {
webView.loadUrl("javascript:" + InAppWebView.platformReadyJS.replaceAll("[\r\n]+", ""));
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
<option value="1">option 1</option>
<option value="2">option 2</option>
<input type="file">
<input type="file" accept="image/*" capture>
<button onclick="testHistoryPush1()">History Push 1</button>
<button onclick="testHistoryPush2()">History Push 2</button>
<button onclick="testLocationHref()">Location Href</button>
......@@ -110,6 +112,20 @@
console.error("ERROR: " + error);
fetch("", {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
name: 'Lorenzo Fetch API'
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("ERROR: " + error);
alert("Alert Popup");
console.log(confirm("Press a button!"));
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class _InlineExampleScreenState extends State<InlineExampleScreen> {
print("Current highlighted: $activeMatchOrdinal, Number of matches found: $numberOfMatches, find operation completed: $isDoneCounting");
shouldInterceptAjaxRequest: (InAppWebViewController controller, AjaxRequest ajaxRequest) async {
print("AJAX REQUEST: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, DATA: ${}");
//print("AJAX REQUEST: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, DATA: ${}");
// ajaxRequest.method = "GET";
// ajaxRequest.url = "";
// ajaxRequest.headers = {
......@@ -299,16 +299,17 @@ class _InlineExampleScreenState extends State<InlineExampleScreen> {
return null;
onAjaxReadyStateChange: (InAppWebViewController controller, AjaxRequest ajaxRequest) async {
print("AJAX READY STATE CHANGE: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, ${ajaxRequest.status}, ${ajaxRequest.readyState}, ${ajaxRequest.responseType}, ${ajaxRequest.responseText}, ${ajaxRequest.responseHeaders}");
return AjaxRequestAction.ABORT;
//print("AJAX READY STATE CHANGE: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, ${ajaxRequest.status}, ${ajaxRequest.readyState}, ${ajaxRequest.responseType}, ${ajaxRequest.responseText}, ${ajaxRequest.responseHeaders}");
return AjaxRequestAction.PROCEED;
onAjaxProgress: (InAppWebViewController controller, AjaxRequest ajaxRequest) async {
print("AJAX EVENT: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, ${ajaxRequest.event.type}, LOADED: ${ajaxRequest.event.loaded}, ${ajaxRequest.responseHeaders}");
return AjaxRequestAction.ABORT;
//print("AJAX EVENT: ${ajaxRequest.method} - ${ajaxRequest.url}, ${ajaxRequest.event.type}, LOADED: ${ajaxRequest.event.loaded}, ${ajaxRequest.responseHeaders}");
return AjaxRequestAction.PROCEED;
shouldInterceptFetchRequest: (InAppWebViewController controller, FetchRequest fetchRequest) async {
print("FETCH REQUEST: ${fetchRequest.method} - ${fetchRequest.url}");
print("FETCH REQUEST: ${fetchRequest.method} - ${fetchRequest.url}, headers: ${fetchRequest.headers}");
fetchRequest.action = FetchRequestAction.ABORT;
return fetchRequest;
onNavigationStateChange: (InAppWebViewController controller, String url) async {
......@@ -58,17 +58,6 @@ let consoleLogJS = """
let resourceObserverJS = """
(function() {
var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(list) {
list.getEntries().forEach(function(entry) {
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler("onLoadResource", entry);
observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']});
let javaScriptBridgeJS = """
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler = function() {
......@@ -232,6 +221,25 @@ function wkwebview_FindNext(forward) {
let variableForOnLoadResourceJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useOnLoadResource"
let enableVariableForOnLoadResourceJS = "\(variableForOnLoadResourceJS) = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;"
let resourceObserverJS = """
(function() {
var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(list) {
list.getEntries().forEach(function(entry) {
if (window.\(variableForOnLoadResourceJS) == null || window.\(variableForOnLoadResourceJS) == true) {
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler("onLoadResource", entry);
observer.observe({entryTypes: ['resource']});
let variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest"
let enableVariableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS = "\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;"
let interceptAjaxRequestsJS = """
(function(ajax) {
var send = ajax.prototype.send;
......@@ -243,6 +251,7 @@ let interceptAjaxRequestsJS = """
ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_user = null;
ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_password = null;
ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_password = null;
ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped = false;
ajax.prototype._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers = {}; = function(method, url, isAsync, user, password) {
isAsync = (isAsync != null) ? isAsync : true;
......@@ -259,52 +268,7 @@ let interceptAjaxRequestsJS = """
function handleEvent(e) {
var self = this;
var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();
var responseHeaders = {};
if (headers != null) {
var arr = headers.trim().split(/[\\r\\n]+/);
arr.forEach(function (line) {
var parts = line.split(': ');
var header = parts.shift();
var value = parts.join(': ');
responseHeaders[header] = value;
var ajaxRequest = {
method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method,
url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url,
isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync,
user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user,
password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password,
withCredentials: this.withCredentials,
headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers,
readyState: this.readyState,
status: this.status,
responseURL: this.responseURL,
responseType: this.responseType,
responseText: this.responseText,
statusText: this.statusText,
responseHeaders, responseHeaders,
event: {
type: e.type,
loaded: e.loaded,
lengthComputable: e.lengthComputable
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('onAjaxProgress', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result) {
case 0:
ajax.prototype.send = function(data) {
var self = this;
var onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == null || window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == true) {
var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();
var responseHeaders = {};
if (headers != null) {
......@@ -330,9 +294,14 @@ let interceptAjaxRequestsJS = """
responseType: this.responseType,
responseText: this.responseText,
statusText: this.statusText,
responseHeaders: responseHeaders
responseHeaders, responseHeaders,
event: {
type: e.type,
loaded: e.loaded,
lengthComputable: e.lengthComputable
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('onAjaxReadyStateChange', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('onAjaxProgress', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result) {
case 0:
......@@ -340,119 +309,264 @@ let interceptAjaxRequestsJS = """
if (onreadystatechange != null) {
this.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('load', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('error', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent);
var ajaxRequest = {
data: data,
method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method,
url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url,
isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync,
user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user,
password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password,
withCredentials: this.withCredentials,
headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('shouldInterceptAjaxRequest', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result.action) {
case 0:
ajax.prototype.send = function(data) {
var self = this;
if (window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == null || window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == true) {
if (!this._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped) {
this._flutter_inappbrowser_already_onreadystatechange_wrapped = true;
var onreadystatechange = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == null || window.\(variableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS) == true) {
var headers = this.getAllResponseHeaders();
var responseHeaders = {};
if (headers != null) {
var arr = headers.trim().split(/[\\r\\n]+/);
arr.forEach(function (line) {
var parts = line.split(': ');
var header = parts.shift();
var value = parts.join(': ');
responseHeaders[header] = value;
var ajaxRequest = {
method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method,
url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url,
isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync,
user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user,
password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password,
withCredentials: this.withCredentials,
headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers,
readyState: this.readyState,
status: this.status,
responseURL: this.responseURL,
responseType: this.responseType,
responseText: this.responseText,
statusText: this.statusText,
responseHeaders: responseHeaders
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('onAjaxReadyStateChange', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result) {
case 0:
if (onreadystatechange != null) {
} else if (onreadystatechange != null) {
this.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('load', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('error', handleEvent);
this.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent);
var ajaxRequest = {
data: data,
method: this._flutter_inappbrowser_method,
url: this._flutter_inappbrowser_url,
isAsync: this._flutter_inappbrowser_isAsync,
user: this._flutter_inappbrowser_user,
password: this._flutter_inappbrowser_password,
withCredentials: this.withCredentials,
headers: this._flutter_inappbrowser_request_headers
window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('shouldInterceptAjaxRequest', ajaxRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result.action) {
case 0:
data =;
self.withCredentials = result.withCredentials;
for (var header in result.headers) {
var value = result.headers[header];
self.setRequestHeader(header, value);
if ((self._flutter_inappbrowser_method != result.method && result.method != null) || (self._flutter_inappbrowser_url != result.url && result.url != null)) {
self.abort();, result.url, result.isAsync, result.user, result.password);
data =;
self.withCredentials = result.withCredentials;
for (var header in result.headers) {
var value = result.headers[header];
self.setRequestHeader(header, value);
if ((self._flutter_inappbrowser_method != result.method && result.method != null) || (self._flutter_inappbrowser_url != result.url && result.url != null)) {
self.abort();, result.url, result.isAsync, result.user, result.password);
}, data);
});, data);
} else {, data);
let variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS = "window._flutter_inappbrowser_useShouldInterceptFetchRequest"
let enableVariableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS = "\(variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS) = $PLACEHOLDER_VALUE;"
let interceptFetchRequestsJS = """
(function(fetch) {
if (fetch == null) {
window.fetch = function(resource, init) {
var fetchRequest = {
url: null,
method: null,
headers: null,
body: null,
mode: null,
credentials: null,
cache: null,
redirect: null,
referrer: null,
referrerPolicy: null,
integrity: null,
keepalive: null
if (resource instanceof Request) {
fetchRequest.url = resource.url;
fetchRequest.method = resource.method;
fetchRequest.headers = resource.headers;
fetchRequest.body = resource.body;
fetchRequest.mode = resource.mode;
fetchRequest.credentials = resource.credentials;
fetchRequest.cache = resource.cache;
fetchRequest.redirect = resource.redirect;
fetchRequest.referrer = resource.referrer;
fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = resource.referrerPolicy;
fetchRequest.integrity = resource.integrity;
fetchRequest.keepalive = resource.keepalive;
function convertHeadersToJson(headers) {
var headersObj = {};
for (var header of headers.keys()) {
var value = headers.get(header);
headersObj[header] = value;
return headersObj;
function convertJsonToHeaders(headersJson) {
return new Headers(headersJson);
function convertBodyToArray(body) {
return new Response(body).arrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {
var arr = Array.from(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
return arr;
function convertArrayIntBodyToUint8Array(arrayIntBody) {
return new Uint8Array(arrayIntBody);
function convertCredentialsToJson(credentials) {
var credentialsObj = {};
if (window.FederatedCredential != null && credentials instanceof FederatedCredential) {
credentialsObj.type = credentials.type; =; =;
credentialsObj.protocol = credentials.protocol;
credentialsObj.provider = credentials.provider;
credentialsObj.iconURL = credentials.iconURL;
} else if (window.PasswordCredential != null && credentials instanceof PasswordCredential) {
credentialsObj.type = credentials.type; =; =;
credentialsObj.password = credentials.password;
credentialsObj.iconURL = credentials.iconURL;
} else {
fetchRequest.url = resource;
if (init != null) {
fetchRequest.method = init.method;
fetchRequest.headers = init.headers;
fetchRequest.body = init.body;
fetchRequest.mode = init.mode;
fetchRequest.credentials = init.credentials;
fetchRequest.cache = init.cache;
fetchRequest.redirect = init.redirect;
fetchRequest.referrer = init.referrer;
fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = init.referrerPolicy;
fetchRequest.integrity = init.integrity;
fetchRequest.keepalive = init.keepalive;
credentialsObj.type = 'default';
credentialsObj.value = credentials;
return window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('shouldInterceptFetchRequest', fetchRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result.action) {
case 0:
var controller = new AbortController();
if (init != null) {
init.signal = controller.signal;
} else {
init = {
signal: controller.signal
function convertJsonToCredential(credentialsJson) {
var credentials;
if (window.FederatedCredential != null && credentialsJson.type === 'federated') {
credentials = new FederatedCredential({
protocol: credentialsJson.protocol,
provider: credentialsJson.provider,
iconURL: credentialsJson.iconURL
} else if (window.PasswordCredential != null && credentialsJson.type === 'password') {
credentials = new PasswordCredential({
password: credentialsJson.password,
iconURL: credentialsJson.iconURL
} else {
credentials = credentialsJson;
return credentials;
window.fetch = async function(resource, init) {
if (window.\(variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS) == null || window.\(variableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS) == true) {
var fetchRequest = {
url: null,
method: null,
headers: null,
body: null,
mode: null,
credentials: null,
cache: null,
redirect: null,
referrer: null,
referrerPolicy: null,
integrity: null,
keepalive: null
if (resource instanceof Request) {
fetchRequest.url = resource.url;
fetchRequest.method = resource.method;
fetchRequest.headers = resource.headers;
fetchRequest.body = resource.body;
fetchRequest.mode = resource.mode;
fetchRequest.credentials = resource.credentials;
fetchRequest.cache = resource.cache;
fetchRequest.redirect = resource.redirect;
fetchRequest.referrer = resource.referrer;
fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = resource.referrerPolicy;
fetchRequest.integrity = resource.integrity;
fetchRequest.keepalive = resource.keepalive;
} else {
fetchRequest.url = resource;
if (init != null) {
fetchRequest.method = init.method;
fetchRequest.headers = init.headers;
fetchRequest.body = init.body;
fetchRequest.mode = init.mode;
fetchRequest.credentials = init.credentials;
fetchRequest.cache = init.cache;
fetchRequest.redirect = init.redirect;
fetchRequest.referrer = init.referrer;
fetchRequest.referrerPolicy = init.referrerPolicy;
fetchRequest.integrity = init.integrity;
fetchRequest.keepalive = init.keepalive;
if (fetchRequest.headers instanceof Headers) {
fetchRequest.headers = convertHeadersToJson(fetchRequest.headers);
fetchRequest.credentials = convertCredentialsToJson(fetchRequest.credentials);
return convertBodyToArray(fetchRequest.body).then(function(body) {
fetchRequest.body = body;
return window.\(JAVASCRIPT_BRIDGE_NAME).callHandler('shouldInterceptFetchRequest', fetchRequest).then(function(result) {
if (result != null) {
switch (result.action) {
case 0:
var controller = new AbortController();
if (init != null) {
init.signal = controller.signal;
} else {
init = {
signal: controller.signal
var resultResource = (result.resource != null) ? result.resource : resource;
var resultInit = init;
if (result.init != null) {
resultInit.method = result.method;
resultInit.headers = convertJsonToHeaders(result.headers);
resultInit.body = convertArrayIntBodyToUint8Array(result.body);
resultInit.mode = result.mode;
resultInit.credentials = convertJsonToCredential(result.credentials);
resultInit.cache = result.cache;
resultInit.redirect = result.redirect;
resultInit.referrer = result.referrer;
resultInit.referrerPolicy = result.referrerPolicy;
resultInit.integrity = result.integrity;
resultInit.keepalive = result.keepalive;
return fetch(resultResource, resultInit);
return fetch(resource, init);
} else {
return fetch(resource, init);
......@@ -819,15 +933,18 @@ public class InAppWebView: WKWebView, UIScrollViewDelegate, WKUIDelegate, WKNavi
if newOptionsMap["useOnLoadResource"] != nil && options?.useOnLoadResource != newOptions.useOnLoadResource && newOptions.useOnLoadResource {
evaluateJavaScript(resourceObserverJS, completionHandler: nil)
let placeholderValue = newOptions.useOnLoadResource ? "true" : "false"
evaluateJavaScript(enableVariableForOnLoadResourceJS.replacingOccurrences(of: "$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", with: placeholderValue), completionHandler: nil)
if newOptionsMap["useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest"] != nil && options?.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest != newOptions.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest && newOptions.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest {
evaluateJavaScript(interceptAjaxRequestsJS, completionHandler: nil)
let placeholderValue = newOptions.useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest ? "true" : "false"
evaluateJavaScript(enableVariableForShouldInterceptAjaxRequestJS.replacingOccurrences(of: "$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", with: placeholderValue), completionHandler: nil)
if newOptionsMap["useShouldInterceptFetchRequest"] != nil && options?.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest != newOptions.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest && newOptions.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest {
evaluateJavaScript(interceptFetchRequestsJS, completionHandler: nil)
let placeholderValue = newOptions.useShouldInterceptFetchRequest ? "true" : "false"
evaluateJavaScript(enableVariableForShouldInterceptFetchRequestsJS.replacingOccurrences(of: "$PLACEHOLDER_VALUE", with: placeholderValue), completionHandler: nil)
if newOptionsMap["mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture"] != nil && options?.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture != newOptions.mediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture {
......@@ -647,9 +647,9 @@ class InAppWebViewController {
String url = argMap["url"];
String method = argMap["method"];
Map<dynamic, dynamic> headers = argMap["headers"];
dynamic body = argMap["body"];
Uint8List body = Uint8List.fromList(argMap["body"].cast<int>());
String mode = argMap["mode"];
String credentials = argMap["credentials"];
FetchRequestCredential credentials = FetchRequest.createFetchRequestCredentialFromMap(argMap["credentials"]);
String cache = argMap["cache"];
String redirect = argMap["redirect"];
String referrer = argMap["referrer"];
......@@ -820,14 +820,83 @@ class FetchRequestAction {
static const PROCEED = const FetchRequestAction._internal(1);
class FetchRequestCredential {
String type;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"type": type
class FetchRequestCredentialDefault extends FetchRequestCredential {
String value;
FetchRequestCredentialDefault({type, this.value}): super(type: type);
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"type": type,
"value": value,
class FetchRequestFederatedCredential extends FetchRequestCredential {
dynamic id;
String name;
String protocol;
String provider;
String iconURL;
FetchRequestFederatedCredential({type,,, this.protocol, this.provider, this.iconURL}): super(type: type);
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"type": type,
"id": id,
"name": name,
"protocol": protocol,
"provider": provider,
"iconURL": iconURL
class FetchRequestPasswordCredential extends FetchRequestCredential {
dynamic id;
String name;
String password;
String iconURL;
FetchRequestPasswordCredential({type,,, this.password, this.iconURL}): super(type: type);
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"type": type,
"id": id,
"name": name,
"password": password,
"iconURL": iconURL
class FetchRequest {
String url;
String method;
Map<dynamic, dynamic> headers;
dynamic body;
Map<String, dynamic> headers;
Uint8List body;
String mode;
String credentials;
FetchRequestCredential credentials;
String cache;
String redirect;
String referrer;
......@@ -847,7 +916,7 @@ class FetchRequest {
"headers": headers,
"body": body,
"mode": mode,
"credentials": credentials,
"credentials": credentials?.toMap(),
"cache": cache,
"redirect": redirect,
"referrer": referrer,
......@@ -861,4 +930,19 @@ class FetchRequest {
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
return this.toMap();
static FetchRequestCredential createFetchRequestCredentialFromMap(credentialsMap) {
if (credentialsMap != null) {
if (credentialsMap["type"] == "default") {
return FetchRequestCredentialDefault(type: credentialsMap["type"], value: credentialsMap["value"]);
} else if (credentialsMap["type"] == "federated") {
return FetchRequestFederatedCredential(type: credentialsMap["type"], id: credentialsMap["id"], name: credentialsMap["name"],
protocol: credentialsMap["protocol"], provider: credentialsMap["provider"], iconURL: credentialsMap["iconURL"]);
} else if (credentialsMap["type"] == "password") {
return FetchRequestPasswordCredential(type: credentialsMap["type"], id: credentialsMap["id"], name: credentialsMap["name"],
password: credentialsMap["password"], iconURL: credentialsMap["iconURL"]);
return null;
\ No newline at end of file
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