/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019 Alibaba Group * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; import 'boost_container.dart'; import 'container_coordinator.dart'; import '../flutter_boost.dart'; import '../support/logger.dart'; enum ContainerOperation { Push, Onstage, Pop, Remove } typedef BoostContainerObserver = void Function( ContainerOperation operation, BoostContainerSettings settings); @immutable class BoostContainerManager extends StatefulWidget { final Navigator initNavigator; final PrePushRoute prePushRoute; final PostPushRoute postPushRoute; const BoostContainerManager( {Key key, this.initNavigator, this.prePushRoute, this.postPushRoute}) : super(key: key); @override ContainerManagerState createState() => ContainerManagerState(); static ContainerManagerState tryOf(BuildContext context) { final ContainerManagerState manager = context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<ContainerManagerState>()); return manager; } static ContainerManagerState of(BuildContext context) { final ContainerManagerState manager = context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<ContainerManagerState>()); assert(manager != null, 'not in flutter boost'); return manager; } } class ContainerManagerState extends State<BoostContainerManager> { final GlobalKey<OverlayState> _overlayKey = GlobalKey<OverlayState>(); final List<BoostContainer> _offstage = <BoostContainer>[]; final ManagerNavigatorObserver _navigatorObserver = ManagerNavigatorObserver(); List<_ContainerOverlayEntry> _leastEntries; BoostContainer _onstage; bool _foreground = true; String _lastShownContainer; PrePushRoute get prePushRoute => widget.prePushRoute; PostPushRoute get postPushRoute => widget.postPushRoute; bool get foreground => _foreground; ManagerNavigatorObserver get navigatorObserver => _navigatorObserver; //Number of containers. int get containerCounts => _offstage.length; //Setting for current visible container. BoostContainerSettings get onstageSettings => _onstage.settings; //Current visible container. BoostContainerState get onstageContainer => _stateOf(_onstage); BoostContainerState get subContainer => _offstage.isEmpty ? null : _stateOf(_offstage.last); @override void initState() { super.initState(); assert(widget.initNavigator != null); _onstage = BoostContainer.copy(widget.initNavigator); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { setState(() {}); }); } void updateFocuse() { final BoostContainerState now = _stateOf(_onstage); if (now != null) { FocusScope.of(context).setFirstFocus(now.focusScopeNode); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Overlay( key: _overlayKey, initialEntries: const <OverlayEntry>[], ); } BoostContainerState _stateOf(BoostContainer container) { if (container.key != null && container.key is GlobalKey<BoostContainerState>) { final GlobalKey<BoostContainerState> globalKey = container.key as GlobalKey<BoostContainerState>; return globalKey.currentState; } assert( false, 'key of BoostContainer must be GlobalKey<BoostContainerState>'); return null; } void _onShownContainerChanged(String old, String now) { Logger.log('onShownContainerChanged old:$old now:$now'); Map<String, dynamic> properties = new Map<String, dynamic>(); properties['newName'] = now; properties['oldName'] = old; FlutterBoost.singleton.channel.invokeMethod('onShownContainerChanged',properties); } void _refreshOverlayEntries() { final OverlayState overlayState = _overlayKey.currentState; if (overlayState == null) { return; } if (_leastEntries != null && _leastEntries.isNotEmpty) { for (_ContainerOverlayEntry entry in _leastEntries) { entry.remove(); } } final List<BoostContainer> containers = <BoostContainer>[]; containers.addAll(_offstage); assert(_onstage != null, 'Should have a least one BoostContainer'); containers.add(_onstage); _leastEntries = containers .map<_ContainerOverlayEntry>( (BoostContainer container) => _ContainerOverlayEntry(container)) .toList(growable: false); overlayState.insertAll(_leastEntries); SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) { final String now = _onstage.settings.uniqueId; if (_lastShownContainer != now) { final String old = _lastShownContainer; _lastShownContainer = now; _onShownContainerChanged(old, now); } updateFocuse(); }); } @override void setState(VoidCallback fn) { if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks) { SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) { _refreshOverlayEntries(); }); } else { _refreshOverlayEntries(); } fn(); //return super.setState(fn); } void setForeground() { _foreground = true; ContainerCoordinator.performContainerLifeCycle( _onstage.settings, ContainerLifeCycle.Foreground); } void setBackground() { _foreground = false; ContainerCoordinator.performContainerLifeCycle( _onstage.settings, ContainerLifeCycle.Background); } //If container exists bring it to front else //create a container. void showContainer(BoostContainerSettings settings) { if (settings.uniqueId == _onstage.settings.uniqueId) { _onShownContainerChanged(null, settings.uniqueId); return; } final int index = _offstage.indexWhere((BoostContainer container) => container.settings.uniqueId == settings.uniqueId); if (index > -1) { _offstage.add(_onstage); _onstage = _offstage.removeAt(index); setState(() {}); for (BoostContainerObserver observer in FlutterBoost .singleton.observersHolder .observersOf<BoostContainerObserver>()) { observer(ContainerOperation.Onstage, _onstage.settings); } Logger.log('ContainerObserver#2 didOnstage'); } else { pushContainer(settings); } } BoostContainerState containerStateOf(String id) { if (id == _onstage.settings.uniqueId) { return _stateOf(_onstage); } final BoostContainer container = _offstage.firstWhere( (BoostContainer container) => container.settings.uniqueId == id, orElse: () => null); return container == null ? null : _stateOf(container); } bool containsContainer(String id) { if (id == _onstage.settings.uniqueId) { return true; } return _offstage .any((BoostContainer container) => container.settings.uniqueId == id); } void pushContainer(BoostContainerSettings settings) { assert(settings.uniqueId != _onstage.settings.uniqueId); assert(_offstage.every((BoostContainer container) => container.settings.uniqueId != settings.uniqueId)); _offstage.add(_onstage); _onstage = BoostContainer.obtain(widget.initNavigator, settings); setState(() {}); for (BoostContainerObserver observer in FlutterBoost .singleton.observersHolder .observersOf<BoostContainerObserver>()) { observer(ContainerOperation.Push, _onstage.settings); } Logger.log('ContainerObserver#2 didPush'); } void pop() { assert(canPop()); final BoostContainer old = _onstage; _onstage = _offstage.removeLast(); setState(() {}); for (BoostContainerObserver observer in FlutterBoost .singleton.observersHolder .observersOf<BoostContainerObserver>()) { observer(ContainerOperation.Pop, old.settings); } Logger.log('ContainerObserver#2 didPop'); } void remove(String uniqueId) { if (_onstage.settings.uniqueId == uniqueId) { pop(); } else { final BoostContainer container = _offstage.firstWhere( (BoostContainer container) => container.settings.uniqueId == uniqueId, orElse: () => null); if (container != null) { _offstage.remove(container); setState(() {}); for (BoostContainerObserver observer in FlutterBoost .singleton.observersHolder .observersOf<BoostContainerObserver>()) { observer(ContainerOperation.Remove, container.settings); } Logger.log('ContainerObserver#2 didRemove'); } } return null; } bool canPop() => _offstage.isNotEmpty; String dump() { String info = 'onstage#:\n ${_onstage?.desc()}\noffstage#:'; for (BoostContainer container in _offstage.reversed) { info = '$info\n ${container?.desc()}'; } return info; } } class _ContainerOverlayEntry extends OverlayEntry { bool _removed = false; _ContainerOverlayEntry(BoostContainer container) : super( builder: (BuildContext ctx) => container, opaque: true, maintainState: true); @override void remove() { assert(!_removed); if (_removed) { return; } _removed = true; super.remove(); } } class ManagerNavigatorObserver extends BoostNavigatorObserver { BoostNavigatorObserver observer; final Set<BoostNavigatorObserver> _boostObservers = Set<BoostNavigatorObserver>(); VoidCallback addBoostNavigatorObserver(BoostNavigatorObserver observer) { _boostObservers.add(observer); return () => _boostObservers.remove(observer); } void removeBoostNavigatorObserver(BoostNavigatorObserver observer) { _boostObservers.remove(observer); } @override void didPush(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { Logger.log('ManagerNavigatorObserver didPush'); for (BoostNavigatorObserver observer in _boostObservers) { observer.didPush(route, previousRoute); } } @override void didPop(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { Logger.log('ManagerNavigatorObserver didPop'); for (BoostNavigatorObserver observer in _boostObservers) { observer.didPop(route, previousRoute); } } @override void didRemove(Route<dynamic> route, Route<dynamic> previousRoute) { Logger.log('ManagerNavigatorObserver didRemove'); for (BoostNavigatorObserver observer in _boostObservers) { observer.didRemove(route, previousRoute); } } @override void didReplace({Route<dynamic> newRoute, Route<dynamic> oldRoute}) { Logger.log('ManagerNavigatorObserver didReplace'); for (BoostNavigatorObserver observer in _boostObservers) { observer.didReplace(newRoute: newRoute, oldRoute: oldRoute); } } }