Commit 409afdac authored by zhouteng's avatar zhouteng


parent a0987864
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
share_extend: "^1.0.1"
share_extend: "^1.0.2"
## 导入
/// A flutter plugin to share text, image, file with system ui.
/// It is compatible with both andorid and ios.
/// A open source authorized by zhouteng [](
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'dart:ui';
/// Plugin for summoning a platform share sheet.
class ShareExtend {
/// [MethodChannel] used to communicate with the platform side.
static const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel('share_extend');
/// method to share with system ui
/// It uses the ACTION_SEND Intent on Android and UIActivityViewController
/// on iOS.
/// type "text", "image" ,"file"
static Future<void> share(String text, String type, String authorities,
{Rect sharePositionOrigin}) {
assert(text != null);
name: share_extend
description: A flutter plugin to share text, image, file with systemui. 一个调用系统分享的flutter插件,支持分享文本,图片和文件。
version: 1.0.1
description: A flutter plugin to share text, image, file with system ui. It is compatible with both andorid and ios.
version: 1.0.2
author: zhouteng <>
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