///Event that notifies the host application that web content from the specified origin is attempting to use the Geolocation API, but no permission state is currently set for that origin.
///Note that for applications targeting Android N and later SDKs (API level > `Build.VERSION_CODES.M`) this method is only called for requests originating from secure origins such as https.
///On non-secure origins geolocation requests are automatically denied.
///[origin] represents the origin of the web content attempting to use the Geolocation API.
///Event fires when javascript calls the `alert()` method to display an alert dialog.
///If [JsAlertResponse.handledByClient] is `true`, the webview will assume that the client will handle the dialog.
@@ -383,17 +394,6 @@ class InAppBrowser {
///Event that notifies the host application that web content from the specified origin is attempting to use the Geolocation API, but no permission state is currently set for that origin.
///Note that for applications targeting Android N and later SDKs (API level > `Build.VERSION_CODES.M`) this method is only called for requests originating from secure origins such as https.
///On non-secure origins geolocation requests are automatically denied.
///[origin] represents the origin of the web content attempting to use the Geolocation API.