- Added `onReceivedServerTrustAuthRequest` and `onReceivedClientCertRequest` events to manage SSL requests
- Added `onFindResultReceived` event, `findAllAsync`, `findNext` and `clearMatches` methods
- Added `getHtml`, `injectJavascriptFileFromAsset` and `injectCSSFileFromAsset` methods
- Added `shouldInterceptAjaxRequest`, `onAjaxReadyStateChange`, `onAjaxProgressEvent` and `shouldInterceptFetchRequest` events with `useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest` and `useShouldInterceptFetchRequest` webview options
- Added `shouldInterceptAjaxRequest`, `onAjaxReadyStateChange`, `onAjaxProgress` and `shouldInterceptFetchRequest` events with `useShouldInterceptAjaxRequest` and `useShouldInterceptFetchRequest` webview options
- Added `onNavigationStateChange` event
- Fun: added `getTRexRunnerHtml` and `getTRexRunnerCss` methods to get html (with javascript) and css to recreate the Chromium's t-rex runner game
///Event fired when the navigation state of the [InAppWebView] changes throught the usage of
///javascript **[History API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API)** functions (`pushState()`, `replaceState()`) and `onpopstate` event.
///Also, the event is fired when the javascript `window.location` changes without reloading the webview (for example appending or modifying an hash to the url).
///Event fired when the navigation state of the [InAppWebView] changes throught the usage of
///javascript **[History API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API)** functions (`pushState()`, `replaceState()`) and `onpopstate` event.
///Also, the event is fired when the javascript `window.location` changes without reloading the webview (for example appending or modifying an hash to the url).