- Added `onLoadResourceCustomScheme` event and `resourceCustomSchemes` option to set custom schemes that WebView must handle to load resources
- Added `onTargetBlank` event and `useOnTargetBlank` option to manage links with `target="_blank"`
- Added `ContentBlocker`, `ContentBlockerTrigger` and `ContentBlockerAction` classes and the `contentBlockers` option that allows to define a set of rules to use to block content in the WebView
- Added new WebView option`minimumFontSize`
- Added new WebView options: `minimumFontSize`, `debuggingEnabled`
- Added `onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt` event and `GeolocationPermissionShowPromptResponse` class (available only for Android)
- Added `startSafeBrowsing`, `setSafeBrowsingWhitelist` and `getSafeBrowsingPrivacyPolicyUrl` methods (available only for Android)
- Added `onSafeBrowsingHit` event (available only for Android)
- Added `onJsAlert`, `onJsConfirm` and `onJsPrompt` events to manage javascript popup dialogs
- Fixed `InputConnection` error on Android
- Deleted `WebResourceRequest` class
- Updated `WebResourceResponse` class
- Updated `ConsoleMessageLevel` class
- Updated `onLoadResource` event
- WebView options are now available with the new corresponding classes: `InAppWebViewOptions`, `AndroidInAppWebViewOptions`, `iOSInAppWebViewOptions`, `InAppBrowserOptions`, `AndroidInAppBrowserOptions`, `iOSInAppBrowserOptions`, `AndroidChromeCustomTabsOptions` and `iOSChromeCustomTabsOptions`