`Fluwx` is flutter plugin for [WeChatSDK](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/Resource_Center_Homepage.html) which allows developers to call
- Share images, texts, music and so on to WeChat, including session, favorite and timeline.
- Payment with WeChat.
- Get auth code before you login in with WeChat.
- Launch mini program in WeChat.
- Subscribe Message.
- Just open WeChat app.
- Launch app From wechat link.
## Preparation
`Fluwx` is good but not God. You'd better read [official documents](https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showdocument?action=dir_list&t=resource/res_list&verify=1) before
integrating `Fluwx`. Then you'll understand how to generate Android signature, what's universal link for iOS, how to add URL schema for iOS and so on.
The param `universalLink` only works with iOS. You can read [this document](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Mobile_App/Access_Guide/iOS.html) to learn
how to create universalLink. You can also learn how to add URL schema, how to add `LSApplicationQueriesSchemes` in your iOS project. This is essential.
For Android, you shall know to how generate signature for your app in [this page](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Downloads/Android_Resource.html).
And you have to understand the difference between debug signature and release signature. Once the signature is incorrect, then you'll get `errCode = -1`.
## Capability Document
-[Basic knowledge](./doc/BASIC_KNOWLEDGE.md)
-[Launch app from h5](./doc/LAUNCH_APP_FROM_H5.md)
For more capabilities, you can read the public functions of `fluwx`.